We say that a lot at Chapel of the Cross. We say it because we mean it! You are welcome here. We learned that from Jesus, who was always welcoming. Wherever He went, whomever He met, the word of welcome was always shared.
I invite you to explore our website. Come visit us for worship and Bible class or Sunday school if you haven’t done so already. Become more familiar with us -- and allow us to become more familiar with you.
We hope that you find the highlights about what to expect at our church helpful. If there is a way in which we can serve you -- or help you to serve the Savior -- please contact us and let us know. Our mission is to show the love of Jesus to the people of North County and beyond so that all may have a living relationship with Christ. You are welcome to join us in that mission!
In Christ,
Pastor Ted Laesch
What to expect
We understand that it can be somewhat scary to walk into an unfamiliar place, in particular if you are not used to churches. We would love to make it as comfortable and non-threatening as possible, so we have outlined some essential information about what you could expect for your first time at Chapel of the Cross - Lutheran.
Arriving and Parking
Our church has two entrances. A lower parking lot (near the gym) and the upper (main) parking lot which is nearest sanctuary. Please follow the signs for parking. We also have a van that serves as a shuttle for people unable to drive to church. Please contact the church office to arrange a ride, 314.741.3737 or Office@chapelofthecross.org.
Entering the Church
As you enter our church, you will be greeted by members in the Commons Area. For first-time visitors, we have a Welcome Pack prepared for you. We invite you to sign our guestbook as well. As you enter the Commons, the sanctuary is located on the right. Ushers will be there to greet you and to help you find your seat. Please ask one of the ushers if you have any questions about our worship service. They also will provide you with a service bulletin and News and Notes which lists all the upcoming events at Chapel.
Worship and Bible Study
Our worship service follows the Lutheran liturgy using Creative Worship. We celebrate the Lord's Supper every weekend at one of the services. Please check out our worship times and communion schedule here. We offer several excellent Bible studies for children, youth, and adults during our Education hour. Please check out the latest Bible studies here. We have a staffed nursery for young children during the Education Hour, from 9:45-10:45 a.m.
One may ask, "How should I dress for the worship service?" Like most people, our members try to make their worship time an important and special time. This is often demonstrated in the way they may dress.
But dress is a personal matter of worship before God. One may dress casually and rejoice in having a God who will accept us as we are. Another may dress to reflect the awe and reverence we have for our Lord and Savior. Bottom line remains .... when a person dresses out of love for God, the choice of dress (casual or formal) is acceptable to God .... and us.
There are many questions one could ask regarding church offerings. Some examples may include: "When do they take the offering?" "How is the money collected?" "How much am I expected to give?" "Do they want contributions from visitors also?"
The Bible teaches us that our offerings to God should reflect the belief that all we have is His gift to us. With our offerings, we worship and honor God.
Like many Christians, our members present offerings to God through their church. Since offerings are gifts for the love of God, no one dictates what each person shall give. We pass an offering plate during the service so that our worship may include bringing gifts to our Lord. (Worshippers can use offering envelopes to keep gifts a private matter which is not known to other members, but is known to God).
Children may bring change their parents give them. Someone may give cash or write a check, or even give online. Whichever way, we are remembering Jesus and giving gifts out of love for him.
Initially, you may wish to learn more about Chapel of the Cross-Lutheran's ministry before bringing your offerings through our church. But you are welcomed to participate as you heart leads you to give.
The Worst that Could Happen
Going to church for a first time can be intimidating. Here are some common worries:
"What if they make me stand up and say something?!!" Rest assured, we won't embarrass you in any way. Our church wants you to be as comfortable as possible. Worship should always be enjoyable and uplifting experience. We will do all we can so that you can learn about our Savior.
"I just know my child will be noisy and will bother everyone." We welcome and encourage all children to attend our services. If you do feel uncomfortable with your child's noise level, we have a nursery with speakers so you can continue to hear the worship service.
"I know I will feel out of place." I hope that this visitor's guide will help you to feel at ease. If you do have any questions, don't hesitate to ask the greeters in the Commons Area or the ushers near the entrance to the sanctuary. Our members and staff will offer their hospitality and guide you in the right direction!
"I am scared I will say or do something wrong." Every one of us has felt this way in a new situation. We hope you see the folks at Chapel of the Cross - Lutheran to be ordinary, friendly people like yourself. We will accept you as you are and help you become what Christ wants you to be.
"I just want to watch at first, and I know they will try to sign me up in activities right away." It is unpleasant to receive undue pressure as if we were victims of some "membership drive" looking for numbers only. We feel that church membership should be on a volunteer basis, and that the most important aspect is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation. It does take time for this to be cultivated. We respect the need for you to evaluate your faith and decide your involvement. While we do encourage worship attendance and Christian involvement, we try to do so in a comfortable and pressure-free environment.
"I don't know that much about the Bible." Worship services and Bible Study are opportunities to grow in knowledge of the Bible and faith in Jesus. You will not have to answer any questions you don't feel comfortable answering. Remember, as Christians we do not always have all the answers, and sometimes the best response to a question can be, "I don't know."
A Final Thought
We pray that this page has helped answer some of your questions and helped alleviate your fears. Our goals as a congregation are quite simple. We want to grow in faith and share that faith with people like you. All we do is meant to work towards those two goals. We pray that nothing more stands in your way from learning about your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
God's blessings. We are looking forward to seeing you in church.