
Join us for worship! Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Thank you for joining us for worship online! Please click on the links below to listen to and watch each week's worship services (Sunday and Midweek). Each week's link also includes resources for following along with worship and Sunday School at home, including the Sunday bulletin and Chapel Weekly insert, an audio-only version of Sunday worship, audio only (no video) of the previous week's Midweek Worship Service, the weekly Enduring Faith Sunday School lesson online, as well as our link to give online. You can find archived services prior to 3/22/20 here (audio only).


Episodes from Malachi

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November 19, 2022

Sunday Worship 11-20-22 (Christ the King Sunday)

Preacher: Pastor Ted Laesch Scripture: Malachi 3:13–3:18, Colossians 1:13–1:20, Luke 23:27–23:43

December 4, 2021

Sunday Worship 12-5-21 (Second Sunday in Advent)

Preacher: Pastor Ellory Glenn Scripture: Malachi 3:1–3:7, Psalms 66:1–66:12, Philippians 1:2–1:11, Luke 3:1–3:14